Saturday, November 23, 2013

A week full of accomplishments!

Well, lets see here-I am a little excited today.
This week was the first week in months that I had more good days than bad.
Unfortunately, so many good days put me on the couch Thursday and Friday with a fever and unbelievable pain.

But back to the good days!
1-I got up around 8 am(some days earlier) everyday except for Friday. That is an easy way to add 4 hours to your day.
2-I was able to make it work on Tuesday. I worked for 6 hours and enjoyed every minute of it. To top it off, I even made it to my boring work meeting on Wednesday. I wasn't as much excited for the meeting, but the fact that I was able to make it made me happy.
3-I went to GI on Wednesday and made a lot of progress. All of my meds are being swapped around and were going to consider doing the surgery for my esophagus in January.
4-All of my appointments are now lined up and I am getting super excited for Disney!

What did you do this week?

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